Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assignment #5 - It's Really Cold.

Wow, I've never thought it could get cold like it did a few weeks ago. Even though we have all these great jackets, snow pants, scarfs, hat, gloves,boots and all that good stuff we still feel cold enough to complain about the weather! The early settlers of Canada that had to deal with winter without all the advantages we have, had it bad. They- well the men - had to work hard all day outside in the cold. They had to cut fire wood, and do anything they could to get money like trading various items for other items or money. The men were also fur traders so they would spend days on end walking and sleeping in the winter on their way to there next trade. They had to stay really warm while they were out, or they could get frost bite and have there toes fall off. So they would wear layers of probably everything from socks to underwear. But when it came to inside the houses they probably had to have the fire going everyday, all day to stay warm while it was freezing cold outside.
But having to come from Ghana to Canada, my parents probably felt exactly like the early settlers did. My dad said,"We came here for a better life." But having to transition from blazing hot sun to freezing cold wind, my dad always says,"I want to go back home! Canada is too cold!" Most of the time I laughed at him, but putting myself in his shoes I'd be pretty mad. "But the only way we could adjust to the weather was to dress up very warmly, with gloves and hats and scarfs or anything that would keep us warm." my mom said.
Now I feel lucky to be living in this cold weather with less of a struggle than my parents and the early settlers went through.

Most of my ideas I had to put myself into that situation to really get an idea of it, but a link i checked out was

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